Spare parts for the Valor Ridlington

The Valor Ridlington ia a single door multifuel stove.

Technical data

  • Depth: 340mm
  • Height: 607mm
  • Width: 566mm
Door Sealed With: 10mm ceramic rope seal kit
Valor Ridlington glass clip set, four clips and four screws are supplied.
at £28.60 inc. VAT
Door handle assembly Valor Ridlington replacement door handle assembly. This is only suitable for younger models of Ridlington that are less than five years old.
at £50.54 inc. VAT
Valor Ridlington replacement front bar
at £61.76 inc. VAT
Valor Ridlington replacement rear firebrick. Please note this brick is now supplied as a 2 piece brick to make it easier to fit.
  • Made of: Vicuclad
at £35.88 inc. VAT
Valor Ridlington multifuel stove replacement baffle plate.
at £65.40 inc. VAT
Valor Ridlington multifuel stove replacement firebrick set. This set includes the side bricks and the rear brick.
at £96.44 inc. VAT
Valor Ridlington multifuel stove replacement left hand circular riddling grate. The stove has two of these which fit into the grate frame.
at £44.50 inc. VAT
Valor Ridlington multifuel stove replacement right hand circular riddling grate. The stove has two of these which fit into the grate frame.
at £44.50 inc. VAT
Valor Ridlington replacement side firebrick, this is a shaped brick.
at £33.38 inc. VAT
Valor Ridlington multifuel stove replacement glass.
  • Depth: 4mm
  • Height: 225mm
  • Width: 365mm
at £59.14 inc. VAT